In 1963, just as many African countries were getting independence, the African Union- AU, was formed. It was made up of visionaries and progressives who wanted to see Africa move forward. However, soon after, this was not to be. The AU crumbled.
How can your headquarters be constructed by China and yet claim to be independent? How can your budget be funded by the European Union yet you pretend to fight for African issues. How can the Presidents that constitute the AU be dictators who only look out for each other? How can they abuse human rights and jail opposition members? Just look at what is happening in Southern Cameroon. The army is butchering the English speaking Cameroonians and the AU is silent. The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is silencing opposition leaders like Bobi Wine and Kizza Besigye, and yet the AU is silent.
The AU must change tact. It is a toothless bulldog that is unable to fight for the rights of Africans. The European Union has already negotiated a rescue package for European Union citizens and businesses affected by Corona virus, and yet our African Union has not even thought of a rescue package for African economies. When will the AU stand up for us. When will it be the continental body to unite us, and fight for our interests? Read More Articles. Click Here
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