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Africa's Best Brains Must Remain in Africa.

Let Africa be self Reliant, Aid will not help us.

Africans must be United to take on the world.

African Leaders must Come Down Hard on China.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Stop the Racism Against Africans in China.

The epicenter of the Corona Virus was in Wuhan, China. The Chinese spread this virus around the globe. How then can Chinese authorities turn around and say that Africans are spreading Covid 19 and kick them out of apartments. How can they block them from supermarkets and restaurants?

And yet, African leaders are eerily silent. The African Union still calls the Chinese people as great friends. Indeed, they, as are all African leaders, puppets. The African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was constructed by the Chinese, so how do you expect the same AU to criticise China. In a bid to defend China, a foreign ministry secretary in Kenya, Macharia Kamau, has said that the Chinese are basically observing social distancing norms and not kicking Africans out of their apartments.

These African leaders have taken huge loans from China. They have been bribed by the Chinese. Heck! even in Kenya the Chinese Communist Party was at the victory celebration of the ruling party Jubilee at the 2017 elections.

It is time for African to rise up and defend the continent. We have been oppressed by Europe and America for the last 500 years. We will not allow another coloniser in the name of China to continue the oppression. Read More Articles. Click Here

Behind every corruption in Africa, there is a European or American involved.

Corruption has cost Africa trillions of dollars since independence. In China, if you are corrupt, you are shot. In Japan, if you are corrupt, you commit suicide because of the shame you have brought to yourself and the society. In America, if you are corrupt, you resign as the long arm of the law catches up with you.

In Africa however, if you are corrupt, you flaunt your money. You get elected into office and steal some more. Basically, in Africa, the way to riches is not investment and hard-working, but rather through corruption in politics. We could have quality schools. We could improve our healthcare system to cater to the most needy and vulnerable. We could eliminate poverty and make it the richest continent in the world.

Inany African countries, as much as a third of our budgets is wasted in corruption. We are borrowing loans from China at exorbitant rates and bankrupting the future of our children. Yet, the money is not even going to meaningful development projects, but rather to politicians pockets.

We have safe havens in Jersey or Guernsey islands where our politicians can always take their loot. This is also a dishonesty also on the part of Europe and America. How do they preach so much against corruption in Africa and yet it is their own people and banks facilitating the same corruption? Isn't Switzerland built on looted wealth from Africa?

Look at Angola. The richest woman in Africa, Isabel Dos Santos, is an Angolan. She is the daughter of the former President Eduardo Dos Santos. She was in charge of the petroleum firm at the time of her dad's tenure. Yet, it is a Portuguese bank that facilitated the illicit oil flows from Angola.

So, our politicians must stop corruption. But the West must also not be hypocritical in fighting corruption in Africa. It must not aid corruption in Africa. Read More Articles. Click Here

Time to Shift Politics in Africa from Tribe to Ideology.

Name any country in Africa. Dissect its politics. One thing stands out. Our politics is based on tribalism. This is why we are not going far as Africans. Our politicians can steal untold amounts of money. They can main and kill thousands. They can imprison thousands of opponents. But as long as they invoke the tribal emotion in us, they can get away with almost anything. And its all because we reject merit and great ideas for tribe. This is why Africa has been a deathbed for revolutionaries. This is why it is so easy to manipulate African countries. This is how Europe and America have been able to install puppets throughout Africa.

In Kenya, it is always a kikuyu, Luo battle, and lately, Kalenjin. In Rwanda, before the genocide, it was always the majority Hutu versus the minority Tutsi. In Zimbabwe, it is the Shona versus the Ndembele. In Nigeria, it is the northern tribes versus the Southern tribes. In South Africa, it looks increasingly that it will one day be the Zulu versus the Xhosas.

Politics everywhere is about differences. That is true regardless of country. However, for Europe and America, they trascended petty tribal issues and embraced a politics based on ideology. You have the left wing liberals versus the right wing conservatives. They have entirely different perspectives. But all the different ideas are about making the country better.

In Africa, we need a fundamental change in our political discourse. Petty tribal based politics will not take us far. It will only drag us back, and make it look like we never achieved independence. This would be a catastrophe for us. Read More Articles. Click Here

Friday, 17 April 2020

Africa Must Reclaim it's Place In the World.

Who will lead the change in Africa. Africa needs a complete overhaul of its leadership if its to reclaim its place and sit on the high table of the world. Currently, we are the most hated race in the world.

We go to America, we are hated. We live in the worst neighbourhoods. We get the most lowly jobs at MacDonalds or in old people nursing homes. We are the ones on food stamps and other government related aid. Admission officers in college always expect a sob story from us.

We go to China. We are evicted from apartments. We are barred from shops and restaurants. We are told that we are the reason why Corona Virus is spreading in China. How dumb can this be. I mean, China was the epicenter of the virus, in Wuhan to be specific. How then can Chinese authorities turn round and say that we are the ones spreading Covid 19? African leaders and politicians won't do a thing because we are in their pockets. We took loans from them. Loans which haven't even been able to build substantial projects to improve our lives, but loans which have only gone to make our politicians rich.

We go to the middle East. The only jobs we can get is to be a domestic worker. Our passports are confiscated as soon as we arrive at the airport. Our Saudi or Qatar employers oppress us and give us backbreaking work, and even kill us when they deem it right. We return in coffins yet our governments can't do a thing because we are in their pockets.

For how long will this go on? For so long as Africans will be poor and depend on the rest of the world for handouts, we will never be the masters of our own destiny. We must rise up as a people and reclaim our place in the world. Read More Articles. Click Here

Corona Virus- Vital Lessons for Africa.

The Corona Virus has taught us many things. Here are the most pertinent lessons for Africa.

1. We need to develop our public healthcare system.
When our leaders get sick, even catch common cold, they rush overseas. They neglect our hospitals, and eat the money meant to develop those hospitals. Robert Mugabe died in a Singapore hospital. Nigerian President Yaradua died in a hospital in Saudi Arabia. The current Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, jets in and out of London Hospitals. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's daughter went to deliver in a German hospital. Why couldn't these leaders trust the healthcare system in Africa? Can't they trust our doctors and nurses, and the facilities in our hospitals?

2. We need to rise up as the African race.
Two French doctors suggested that the Corona virus vaccine be tested on Africans. This is plain racism, why not test the vaccine in Europe and America where the vaccine has caused untold number of deaths. It is time for our professionals to rise up to the challenge and come up with world beating solutions to the problems that ail us. The French doctors said so because we are always in need of help, even to the simplest challenges that ail us.

3. We need Social Protection for the Poor.
The Corona virus may not kill many Africans. What could kill us could be the ensuing hunger. About 80 percent of African population depends on daily wages, not monthly wages. This means that they fend just enough for the day. A lockdown thus means that this vulnerable group will not be able to fend for itself. This is may be why we also need socialism. While capitalism has been known to generate untold amounts of wealth, it has not been able to ensure a fair distribution of that wealth. This means that the Western form of of capitalism may not be the panacea to all our problems. China was able to enforce a lockdown and thus curb the spread of Corona, because it was able to cushion the most vulnerable members of the society. China is a quasi socialist country, and thus we need to relook at the economic systems of Africa. Read More Articles. Click Here

Covid 19 offers an opportunity for Africa to decolonise.

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the inefficiencies in the West. Europe and America simply didn't prepare for this crisis. When it ravaged China, they simply roughed it off, instead of making urgent preparations to combat it.
Now, Donald Trump is accusing The World Health Organisation -WHO, of mismanging the crisis. It has even withdrawn funding to the organization.

If there ever was an opportunity for Africa to decolonise, then it is now. Our leaders now understand the importance of developing our countries first. Now, they can't access their favourite hospitals in Europe, America, and Asia. They also can't access the loot which they have banked abroad.

Covid 19 has debunked the notion of the white man's invincibility. Now, they claim that the reason Africans are not getting sick in large numbers is because there is not enough testing.

The wife of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates has said that we should prepare to see dead bodies in African streets. Such premature conclusions are uncalled for.

Now that Western invincibility has been debunked, our leaders must now proceed to create a new Africa. An Africa where they won't have to go outside for healthcare, but they will be treated right here in African public hospitals. An Africa where the path to riches will not be politics and stealing, but through investments and hard-working. When we create an Africa that works for all, then our children will not be risking their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, or spend endless amounts of time applying for the American green card. It would be a day to behold. Read More Articles. Click Here

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Can African Businesses also conquer the world?
When will Africa have its own Facebook, Google, or Microsoft? When will Africans be rich, not from politics, but from ideas and investments? Right now, the only path to make money in Africa seems to be in politics. Yet this is not the rule in other parts of the world.

In the world, Bill Gates is a multi billionaire despite him not having ventured into politics. He created a computer operating system that runs on 90 percent of personal computers. Another billionaire, Jeff Bezos, started by selling books through his platform, Amazon. His platform now sells all kinds of goods and has made him the richest man in the world, at 110 billion dollars. He is richer than economies of several African countries. In China, Jack Ma, he of Alibaba, is its richest man. He is not a member of the Chinese Communist Party.

In Africa, we have businessmen that have profited from their ventures but they are few and far between. For instance, Nigerian Aliko Dangote is Africa's richest man, through supplying various goods as cement, sugar, and rice. He now wants to create an oil refinery that would process crude oil into finished petroleum. If he pulls this off, then he could be as worth as 30 billion dollars.

Another one is the Zimbabwean Strive Masiyiwa. He founded the Econet Wireless telephony that has operations in Africa and South America. He regularly pays Zimbabwean doctors when they go on strike due to low pay from the government.

These African budding business magnates are few and far between. We need thousands of these. Think about it. Africa is the most problem prone continent. On the flip side, this means that it is also the continent with the most opportunities.

What we need to do is to encourage our budding businesses. Right now, we frustrate them and give all the attention to foreign investors, who flee at the slightest smell of instability. Our budding entrepreneurs will stick it out for us. They will create millions of jobs and power our economies. They will pay taxes, and give revenue to government to provide essential public services. In that way, the whole African economy will be lifted, and we will be a force to reckon with. Read More Articles. Click Here

We Must Create a culture that Upholds us rather than degrade us.
One of our greatest drawbacks as Africans is that we have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed. We are now importers of Western culture. Why can't we promote our own culture. Hollywood exists for no other reason than to market America. It's meant to make America a land of milk and honey. Ever wondered why everyone around the world wants to immigrate to America?

We have imported Western music. Our youngster men now sing as gangsters, promoting a gang culture. Our girls sing naked, promoting prostitution. African music, one that was sang by our forefathers, is no longer tolerated. Funny enough that authentic African music is more appreciated by foreigners than by fellow Africans.

In our music, movies and literature, we have to develop our soft power. The battle is no longer in the fields, but in our hearts and minds. We must create our own culture to fend of Western brainwashing, and thereafter, export our culture to show our true selves. Western culture has painted us in bad light.

Instead of Shakespeare, let's replace with Wole Soyinka or Chinua Achebe. Instead of reading New York Times, let's read Zambia Times or Sahara Reporters. Instead of listening to Beyonce or Rihanna let's listen to Miriam Makeba or Angelina Kidjo. Let's create a culture that uplifts our way of life rather than a culture that degrades us. Read More Articles. Click Here

African borders are artificial- Let's dismantle them.

In 1884, European powers set it upon themselves to divide Africa into 54 different units. Under German chancellor Otto Von Bismarck, they set it upon themselves to conquer Africa, and steal all our natural resources. To this day, this exploitation still goes on.

Do you know why many African countries are a mess. Because we were a forced union of tribes. Tribes that had never coexisted before suddenly found themselves under one roof. That is why elections in Africa are a mess because it is always about ethnic competition rather than ideology. Had we naturally ethno culturally evolved, then the various African kingdoms such as Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Songhai would have merged into an African superstate, and create one homogeneous Africa, much like the Chinese, Japanese, or Western Europeans.

It is now time that we must dismantle those artificial boundaries. Africa's richest man, Aliko Dangote, said that he needs 35 visas to travel around Africa. In fact, it is easier for a foreigner to travel around Africa than an African himself.

Once we abolish the artificial boundaries, we would be united. There ewould be nothing that we would not be able to achieve. We have all the resources right here but since our states are too fragile and unstable, the Western imperial powers manipulate us and oppress us. It has been so for the last 500 years. Read More Articles. Click Here

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Religion Could be the undoing of Africa.

Before the white man came we had lots of spirituality. After he came, we have lots of religion. The white man gave us the bible, but went on to plunder Africa unabated. May I argue that even slavery was justified using the bible, urging slaves to be obedient to their masters.

How can you explain the sudden rise of the prosperity gospel? That just give your tithe and offerings to the church, and you will be blessed with a happy family, wife/husband, car, and generally wealth. Yes, some, if not majority of early christians were black. Even the identity of Jesus, painted as white Caucasian, is highly in doubt. Some of the early popes were black, but history books will never record this. The much acclaimed St.Augustine, was black.

Since Christianity was the basis upon which colonialism and slavery were instituted, it behoves us to take a real hard look at it. Aren't we over religious by praying too much and wishing that a divine providence will solve all our problems, when we have all the tools to solve our own problems? Organised religion has been the source of countless wars, and we would do well take heed.

For example, in the Central African Republic, CAR, religious conflict between the christians balakas, and muslim selekas, continues to be a source of conflict. Similarly, in Nigeria, the divide between the northern muslims and the Christian South continues to make to the country unstable. This is a point for us to ponder. Read More Articles. Click Here

Africa's Best Brains Must Remain in Africa.

There are more Malawian doctors in Manchester, England, than in Malawi. There are more Nigerian doctors in Los Angeles, US, than in Nigeria. This trend is similar in country after country in Africa.

Just as in slavery when we lost our most able bodied, today, we are losing our best and brightest to Europe and America. Just like in slavery, we are sending free labour to Europe and America.
Yes, I know some are saying that we are in a globalising world, and that we should in deed be proud that our best are working alongside the best in Europe and America. In line with this, Ethiopia has increased the training of nurses by four times, in a bid to export surplus nurses to overseas hospitals. However, this is misleading. Studies have shown that African migrants to the US contribute 40 times more to the US economy, more than to the African economies.

Even then, Africa's best and brightest brains would do well to remain in the continent. What they send as remittances is mainly for consumption, rather than productive enterprises. In the current knowledge economy, what Africa needs most are ideas and knowledge to solve the various pandemics affecting the continent. Now is the time for our best and brightest to remain in Africa, not to leave. Read More Articles. Click Here

Let Africa be self Reliant, Aid will not help us.

Noted international economist Zambian Dr. Dambisa Moyo offers a poignant point. She argues that since the 1960s, nearly a trillion dollars has been poured on Africa. However, there is nothing to show for it. All the money has dissipated in corruption and other leaks.

Why can't Africa be self reliant? The fact is that we have got huge mineral resources that if well utilised, could provide us with more than enough to take care of us. However, this is not happening. Take Nigeria for example, it is Africa's largest oil producer. And yet, the oil revenues aren't helping Nigeria at all. Oil prices are high, and wonder of all wonders, the country experiences constant electricity blackouts, quite an anomaly for an oil producing country. Let's take an example of another oil producer- Norway. In Norway, every citizen is guaranteed an income of $200,000 from oil, thanks to the prudent management of oil revenues.

Africa can be self reliant. We don't need to depend on the IMF and the World Bank. We don't need to depend on China, which has saddled us with debts that even our grandchildren cannot pay.

What's more, the aid money still goes to the donors as the conditions usually stipulate that their companies be given the contracts. For instance, if you are receiving a loan from China to construct a road, one of the conditions is that it is the Chinese firm that must build the road. Local engineers are reduced to mere Messengers for the company with no skills transfer at all. This must stop. Read More Articles. Click Here

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Africans must be United to take on the world.

A small Europe was able to conquer the word because it was united. Yes, European states have always competed against each other, the reason we had the World War One and the Second Word war. But on the main issues, they have always stayed together.

What's more they all trace their civilisation to the Greece, a civilisation which by and large traces all its knowledge to the ancient kemet black Egyptian civilisation.

When Europe saw the potential in Africa, they stopped their wars and agreed to share out the continent, thus averting a detrimental war between themselves. There partition of Africa into the artificial states we have today is why Africa has never recovered, as previously single kingdoms and chiefdoms suddenly found themselves split. What Africa needed was a slow ethno cultural evolution of the various tribes that would have ultimately created the African super state.

Right now, realising the dominance of China and it's emergence on the world stage, Europe, through the European Union is attempting to unite with the United States in order to counter China.

Africa's key problem is a lack of unity. Our states are too small and fragmented to exert any influence on the world stage. Think about it, why are we suddenly having all these international summits about Africa? There is the China-Africa summit, the UK-Africa summit, the US-Africa summit, the Russia-Africa summit. All of them want to exploit the immense resources in Africa. It is not in their interest for us to grow. We need to come together and abolish the artificial boundaries. This is the only way we can catch up with them.  Read More Articles. Click Here

African Leaders must Come Down Hard on China.

The Chinese are mistreating Africans in China, and yet, African leaders say that the relations with China are excellent. The AU still calls China a special friend, even after recent incidences of racism against Africans in China. Only the Nigerian ambassador to China stood up for the Africans in China. The rest were cowards.

Do African fear upsetting the Chinese because they owe them huge loans? China is the new coloniser of Africa, and there thirst for Africa's wealth is insatiable. They seem more lethal than Europe and America that have oppressed us in the last 500 years. China is not our friend, and the sooner we learn that, the better.

Look at the projects they are undertaking in Africa
 They offer Jobs only to their fellow Chinese. Even the lowly jobs like tea girls are reserved for the Chinese. We must fight. We must not become the new colony of China. We must not become their new territory where they expand there sphere of influence.  our interests? Read More Articles. Click Here

IMF and World Bank Should give Africa a Break.

Africa has to be financially secure. It's the only way for the continent to lift itself up. By depending on the IMF and World Bank as our financiers, our economies would be crippled.

Did you know that the IMF and World Bank lend to Africa at a whopping 20 percent interest. Now contrast that with what they lend to the United States- only 1 percent.

Besides, IMF and World Bank will impose conditions that will bring your economy to ruin. They will demand that you lay off public workers in key sectors such as health and education, and render the provision of these key services unattainable. They did this to Africa in the 1990s, and many African economies crumbled.

Also, they will demand that you open up your markets for their products, therefore killing your local industry, and only letting their multinationals flourish. This is why African owned businesses are few and far between, while multinationals continue to repatriate billions of dollars in profit to their European and American owners. The African leaders that tried to get their countries off the dependency on World Bank and IMF, such as Burkina Faso's Thomas Sankara and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi were all eliminated.

It is time for Africa to have its own development bank. One that will act for our own interests and not foreign imperial powers. China formed their own- The Exim Bank, and that's why they succeeded to become position two, and now heading to position one. We need ours as a matter of urgency. Read More Articles. Click Here

South Sudan must not go down the drain.

Having got independence in 2011, South Sudan is the world's newest republic. It was formed after more than 50 years of strife with it's neighbor, Sudan. It's leader, Salva Kiir, took over from the liberation hero John Garang after his death. 

However, like many post colonial African countries, South Sudan quickly disintegrated into civil strife. The President, Salva Kiir, and his erstwhile opponent Riek Machar, have just made peace after their fall out in 2013 resulted into a civil war. They even went to the pope to be prayed for. There respective tribes, the Dinka and the Nuer, are yet to reconcile as they jostle for power.

South Sudan has plenty of oil that could propel the country's economy. However much of the revenue has been siphoned off into private accounts, resulting in widespread poverty. This is not the path that South Sudan sought. It must quickly find peace and soldier on as the world's newest nation. Read More Articles. Click Here

DR Congo - A classic tale of the paradox of plenty.

No country in the world has as much of mineral resources as DR Congo. It is Africa's classic poster child of poverty amidst plenty.

DR Congo has large reserves of oil, gold, uranium, diamond, and the rare earth metals. Rare earth metals like coltan are particularly important in this day and age. They are integral in the making of mobile phones and computers, and thus are essential in todays information revolution. Companies like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Huawei are making trillions of dollars from this resource. And yet, DR Congo citizens cannot even afford a smartphone, yet their resource is churning out billionaires in Europe, China, America.

Take another mineral found in plenty in DR Congo- uranium. Uranium us vital in making nuclear reactors, something that Western powers and China are competing to amass.

Let's not even forget about river Congo. If electricity is generated from it, it could power the whole of Africa. Even if Africa industrialises and is able to consume power, this river will provide the needed electricity. Right now, New York alone consumes more electricity than Africa combined, and we need to change this.

DR Congo's problem is a problem of a failure of leadership, and interference from Europe and America. At independence, DR Congo had just two doctors and nine engineers, so may be the Belgians weren't prepared to hand over independence. Remember, DR Congo was the personal property of Belgian king Leopold, and to this day, Belgium still calls the shots.

Belgium and the United States, through the CIA were instrumental in the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, who wanted the ordinary Congolese to benefit from the immense mineral resources in the country. A puppet, Mobutu Sese Seko took over, and plundered the wealth of the country unabated. DR Congo has never recovered to date. Read More Articles. Click Here

Monday, 13 April 2020

Africa does not need the world, it is the world that needs Africa.

The World (Europe, US and China) has been exploiting Africa’s natural resources for more than 400 years. Africans live in abject poverty. Africa’s political leaders have been complicit in this immoral activity. Read More Articles. Click Here

Corona Virus in Africa -Lockdown will only work if their is Social Protection for the Poor.

As the Corona Virus continues to ravage the world, many countries in Africa have instituted lockdowns. A lockdown essentially means that you are not allowed to leave your home.

But can lockdowns really work in Africa? One majority of our people are in the informal sector. They survive on a daily wage rather than a monthly one. This means that if you don't go out for the day, you don't have anything to eat. How can we mitigate this?

One way could be cash transfers directly to citizens accounts. But do African governments have enough money to implement this? Where are the social protection measures for the poor. In Namibia, the government has announced that it will pay Namibians weekly so as to mitigate the effects of the crisis. In Rwanda, the government is moving door to door distributing food. What has your government done to lift up the poor. Because what could kill us is not even Corona, but the hunger that will ensue from forced lockdown. Read More Articles. Click Here

Soft Power- Why Africa needs Soft Power to Progress.

You can use several strategies to be a mighty empire. You can use brute force through the military, you could use your economic power also. Let's look at the two contenders for the superpower position currently, China and the United States.

In all likelihood, China has caught up with the US economically, if you consider the purchasing power parity- PPP. However, it's still not the superpower. The reason is simple, it still doesn't have the soft power. To counter this, China is developing Chinese culture institutes - Confucius Institutes, all over the world. In it, the largest Chinese spoken language- Mandarin, is taught. Similarly, China has launched a 24 hours Television channel - CGTN, to counter the Western media stations such as BBC and CNN. China, like Africa, has long complained that it receives unfair coverage from Western media stations.

What can Africa do to leverage it's soft power? One, stop importing culture. When you listen to our urban music stations, it is only Western music that is being played. The talk on those stations is about sex, and nothing to further our culture. Even when local music is being played, it is often music that is copied from the West, with no authenticity in it. Funny thing is that musicians who sing authentic African music are more appreciated by foreigners than Africans themselves. I mean, you cannot rap like Jay Z and hope to outsmart him, how about playing the traditional African beats.

Next, we must develop our movie scene. We are being subliminally colonised by watching too many American movies. How about we develop movies that tell our own stories, wouldn't that be better. In this, at least Nigeria, with its Nollywood movie industry, is trying to tell true African realities. If supported, it could export African culture to the rest of the world. We watch their movies, but they never watch ours. And the effects are all too glaring. Our people believe that Europe and America is the land of milk and honey. Isn't that why they are willing to do anything to cross the Mediterranean sea into Europe, or spend endless years applying for the green card to America? Read More Articles. Click Here

African Education Systems need total Overhaul.

What system of education will propel Africa to even greater heights. Should we focus on the Sciences or the Humanities or the Arts. This is a question we need to ponder. But first things first. Africa does not lack trained and skilled professionals in whichever cadre you can think of. We have engineers, doctors, professors, teachers, name them.

But how comes we have not progressed as fast despite having great manpower. Why do these professionals able to come up with world beating innovations when they are abroad, but not able to do so when at home?

Sure, one might argue that it is the poor pay from African governments. Or poor working conditions. But what money did Isaac Newton have to discover gravity and the mathematical field of calculus. Only insight and curiosity I guess.

If Africa is to develop, we need intellectuals to be at the forefront of fighting for change. We need both humanities people and the scientists to fight for Africa. We need to imbue patriotism in them, so that their goal is not just to look for a job, but to transform the continent at large in whatever way they can. Read More Articles. Click Here

Did Nelson Mandela sell out Black South Africans?

Nelson Mandela is no doubt one of the most revered Africans, even more than former US President Barack Obama. However, far from the positive image that Mandela has received from the Western Media, it would behove us to look at his legacy critically.

When Mandela was in the Robben Island prison for 27 years, he was listed as a terrorist by the US and it's staunch Ally, the UK. The US President Ronald Reagen and UK Prime Minister Maragerat Thatcher designated him as a person non grata. Thus in Prison, Mandela was very much an outlawed figure by the West.

However, when he came out of prison, he did compromise. He advocated for a rainbow nation, where black and white South Africans could coexist. However, how could they coexist when the black South African is so economically marginalised. The black South Africans only got political freedom, not economic freedom. In this, the ruling party, the ANC, Africa's oldest liberation party, failed. In the so called black empowerment program, only well connected ANC bigwigs were given shares in public companies.

And we've not even talked about land. This is a ticking time bomb that will need to be addressed. Even though blacks form 90 percent of the population, they form just 10 percent of landowners. This is something that the firebrand youthful leader, Julius Malema, has capitalised on.  He formed the Economic Freedom party to fight for land rights and other economic rights.

The question we must ask is should Mandela have followed the Mugabe route of forceful land acquisition from white settlers? Did he fear that he might face sanctions from the EU and US just as Mugabe faced, leading to economic collapse in Zimbabwe? Did Mandela compromise too much, and leave blacks suffering economically?   Read More Articles. Click Here

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Corona Virus- Bill Gates Wife Suggests Millions of Africans Will Die.

Why does white person always expect the worst of the black person. This Corona virus pandemic did not go according to script. Africans were the ones that were supposed to die, not Europeans and Americans. Now, we have seen military convoys carrying coffins in Italy. We have also seen mass graves in New York, US.

We deserve some dignity. Bill Gates wife, Melinda Gates, has suggested that millions of African bodies will be on the streets. She has said that Africa should prepare for the worst. This is uncalled for. What does she know that we don't know? Why are they pushing the vaccine so hard? Is this to push death upon Africans, now that the Corona virus has not worked according to script? Did they expect a repeat of the ebola pandemic in West Africa, or the AIDS pandemic that has ravaged Africa disproportionately? It seems Bill Gates knows more about this corona pandemic and he should not go scot free. Read More Articles. Click Here

The African Union has failed Africa.

In 1963, just as many African countries were getting independence, the African Union- AU, was formed. It was made up of visionaries and progressives who wanted to see Africa move forward. However, soon after, this was not to be. The AU crumbled.

How can your headquarters be constructed by China and yet claim to be independent? How can your budget be funded by the European Union yet you pretend to fight for African issues. How can the Presidents that constitute the AU be dictators who only look out for each other? How can they abuse human rights and jail opposition members? Just look at what is happening in Southern Cameroon. The army is butchering the English speaking Cameroonians and the AU is silent. The Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is silencing opposition leaders like Bobi Wine and Kizza Besigye, and yet the AU is silent.

The AU must change tact. It is a toothless bulldog that is unable to fight for the rights of Africans. The European Union has already negotiated a rescue package for European Union citizens and businesses affected by Corona virus, and yet our African Union has not even thought of a rescue package for African economies. When will the AU stand up for us. When will it be the continental body to unite us, and fight for our interests? Read More Articles. Click Here

Donald Trump is a White Supremacist- And Against Africa.

In the Mueller investigation, in which Trump was investigated for claims that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 elections, it emerged that Trump is a racist and a white supremacist. Trump said that he doesn't know of a single country that was run by a black person that was successful. He has called African countries shit hole countries several times.

Trump's cult followers have never accepted that the US just had an African American President. Trump's basic doctrine is to turn everything that Obama sought to achieve upside down. He has reset America's consciousness. Under Trump, America is no longer the leader of the free world it has long claimed to be.

Doesn't Trump know that it is the free labour of the black man that built America? For example, their founding President, George Washington had 250 slaves. Ironically, the US Constitution states that all men were created equal. African Americans still form 90 percent of those who are in prisons. They form the highest percentage of unemployed Americans. In sum, they haven't benefited from the free labour that their ancestors gave America.

Just as African Americans are trapped in poverty amidst the plenty in America, so too are Africans trapped in poverty amidst plenty of resources in their continent. Numerous African Americans such as Du Bois were instrumental in the fight for independence in Africa. Our fortunes are inter linked and we must look out for each other. Read More Articles. Click Here

Bill Gates and other do gooders will not help Africa.

When will we rise up a people and solve our own problems. One thing should be very clear. No one will solve our problems except ourselves.

No matter how good hearted the outsiders seem to be helping us, they have their own interests. Take Bill Gates for example, one of the richest men in the world. Through his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, he has poured billions of dollars on Africa. But do you think he does this out of sheer Goodwill? No, he also stands to benefit. For example, one of his pet projects is vaccines. Yet he also a stakeholder in those vaccines. He makes billions from those vaccines. Even then, the vaccines have serious side effects and many African children have died from those vaccines.

Take another area which the Western world believes it is helping us. Provision of aid. Since the 1960s, over a trillion dollars has been poured on Africa, with nothing to show for it. This aid money fuels corruption, and only a few connected African leaders benefit. What's more it's the Western companies, and now increasingly the Chinese, that get the contracts to supply the labour and materials that the aid money will be used for. Our people are denied jobs, and all the jobs flow back to the same aid givers. 

It is time we stood up for ourselves. Africa has plenty. If we weed out corruption and greed, there will be plenty for us. Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai said that there is plenty for us to share, but not enough for our greediness. Read More Articles. Click Here

3 Things Needed for African Unity.

Africa needs to unite now more than ever. We have the resources needed to make our continent the richest in the world. Here's what we need to make Africa united and great.

1. One President.
This would be the best unifier for the continent. We need a strong leader that will stand up for African interests without being compromised. What we have now are puppets. Our Presidents serve their own interests first, and then the interests of their masters in Europe and America. Once we fix our leadership, there is nothing that we cannot achieve. Unfortunately, our prophets and patriots have always been overthrown and eliminated if need be. I have in mind such leader as Patrice Lumumba who was assassinated and replaced by the despotic Mobutu Sese Seko, who went on to plunder DR Congo much like the Belgian king Leopold did. In Burkina Faso, a patriot, Thomas Sankara was replaced by a puppet, Blaise Compaore.

2. One Currency and Market.
We also need to unite economically. Right now, our economies are so fragmented and we depend on former colonial powers. The largest trading partner of the United States is Canada, a fellow North American country. The European countries trade with themselves in the giant European Union block. The intra African trade is just 10 percent. This is pitifully low. We are 1 billion. What if this could be one single market? For this to happen, we need grand projects. We need a road from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt, to ease travel. We need to abolish visas. Africa's richest man, Aliko Dangote, said that he needs 35 visas to travel around Africa. This needs to change.

3. One media.
Currently, we know about Africa from European and American broadcasters. And they have cast Africa in bad light, where we are a continent of war, disease and poverty. When a Kenyan wants to know what's happening in Nigeria, they get the news from New York Times, an American publication, instead of Sahara Reporters or the Nigerian Guardian. This needs to change. Read More Articles. Click Here