Now, Donald Trump is accusing The World Health Organisation -WHO, of mismanging the crisis. It has even withdrawn funding to the organization.
If there ever was an opportunity for Africa to decolonise, then it is now. Our leaders now understand the importance of developing our countries first. Now, they can't access their favourite hospitals in Europe, America, and Asia. They also can't access the loot which they have banked abroad.
Covid 19 has debunked the notion of the white man's invincibility. Now, they claim that the reason Africans are not getting sick in large numbers is because there is not enough testing.
The wife of Bill Gates, Melinda Gates has said that we should prepare to see dead bodies in African streets. Such premature conclusions are uncalled for.
Now that Western invincibility has been debunked, our leaders must now proceed to create a new Africa. An Africa where they won't have to go outside for healthcare, but they will be treated right here in African public hospitals. An Africa where the path to riches will not be politics and stealing, but through investments and hard-working. When we create an Africa that works for all, then our children will not be risking their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe, or spend endless amounts of time applying for the American green card. It would be a day to behold. Read More Articles. Click Here
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