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Africa's Best Brains Must Remain in Africa.

Let Africa be self Reliant, Aid will not help us.

Africans must be United to take on the world.

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Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Africa has to be united to conquer the world.

Picture this. Africa has the most mineral resources in the world. It has arable land that could feed the whole world. And it has a population of one billion people. And yet, it remains the laughing stock of the world, accounting for the majority of the world's poor. It continually relies on aid, even if evidence shows that this aid has curtailed, rather than enabled development.

Africa needs a paradigm shift. It must unite and consolidate together. Sure, the stumbling blocks are many. For one, we speak too many languages- nearly 2000. We are so divided ourselves, how could we ever unite?

The great Pan Africanist, Ghana's founding President Kwame Nkrumah had a vision of one united Africa. He famously said that 'Seek ye first the political kingdom, and everything else shall follow'. He did not live to see his ideals. He was rapidly overthrown in CIA led coup. The West does not want a united Africa. This would pose a threat to its hegemony. This would stop the natural flow of wealth from Africa to Europe and America, that continues despite slavery and colonialism having ended.

The West has to divide and rule Africa in order to continue it's growth. A united Africa poses a grave threat to this continued oppression. If we had one President, currency, passport, and military, we would be able to solve the myriad conflicts in the continent that are too big for any individual African country. Militia groups such as Boko Haram and Al Shabaab would become a thing of the past. Military presence of the French, British, and American forces would cease. 

The economic exploitation would stop. Did you know that France requires that each of its 14 former colonies in Africa deposit 50 percent of their reserves in the French Central Bank. French President Jacques Chirac said that without Africa, France would be a third world country. Nothing could be further from the truth.

A slow and gradual integration is what our leaders are calling out for. But what they are not telling us is that they do not want to lose the previledges they currently enjoy. Their countries are their small fiefdoms, where they reign supreme. Since our leaders have failed us in agitating for continental unity, it is up to us as common citizens to take this conversation forward. Read More Articles. Click Here

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