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Thursday, 23 April 2020

Corona Virus- 3 Key Lessons for Africa.

The Corona Virus has taught us many things. Here are the most pertinent lessons for Africa.

1. We need to develop our public healthcare system.
When our leaders get sick, even catch common cold, they rush overseas. They neglect our hospitals, and eat the money meant to develop those hospitals. Robert Mugabe died in a Singapore hospital. Nigerian President Yaradua died in a hospital in Saudi Arabia. The current Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, jets in and out of London Hospitals. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni's daughter went to deliver in a German hospital. Why couldn't these leaders trust the healthcare system in Africa? Can't they trust our doctors and nurses, and the facilities in our hospitals?

2. We need to rise up as the African race.
Two French doctors suggested that the Corona virus vaccine be tested on Africans. This is plain racism, why not test the vaccine in Europe and America where the vaccine has caused untold number of deaths. It is time for our professionals to rise up to the challenge and come up with world beating solutions to the problems that ail us. The French doctors said so because we are always in need of help, even to the simplest challenges that ail us.

3. We need Social Protection for the Poor.
The Corona virus may not kill many Africans. What could kill us could be the ensuing hunger. About 80 percent of African population depends on daily wages, not monthly wages. This means that they fend just enough for the day. A lockdown thus means that this vulnerable group will not be able to fend for itself. This is may be why we also need socialism. While capitalism has been known to generate untold amounts of wealth, it has not been able to ensure a fair distribution of that wealth. This means that the Western form of of capitalism may not be the panacea to all our problems. China was able to enforce a lockdown and thus curb the spread of Corona, because it was able to cushion the most vulnerable members of the society. China is a quasi socialist country, and thus we need to relook at the economic systems of Africa.  Read More Articles. Click Here

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