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Wednesday 15 April 2020

Religion Could be the undoing of Africa.

Before the white man came we had lots of spirituality. After he came, we have lots of religion. The white man gave us the bible, but went on to plunder Africa unabated. May I argue that even slavery was justified using the bible, urging slaves to be obedient to their masters.

How can you explain the sudden rise of the prosperity gospel? That just give your tithe and offerings to the church, and you will be blessed with a happy family, wife/husband, car, and generally wealth. Yes, some, if not majority of early christians were black. Even the identity of Jesus, painted as white Caucasian, is highly in doubt. Some of the early popes were black, but history books will never record this. The much acclaimed St.Augustine, was black.

Since Christianity was the basis upon which colonialism and slavery were instituted, it behoves us to take a real hard look at it. Aren't we over religious by praying too much and wishing that a divine providence will solve all our problems, when we have all the tools to solve our own problems? Organised religion has been the source of countless wars, and we would do well take heed.

For example, in the Central African Republic, CAR, religious conflict between the christians balakas, and muslim selekas, continues to be a source of conflict. Similarly, in Nigeria, the divide between the northern muslims and the Christian South continues to make to the country unstable. This is a point for us to ponder. Read More Articles. Click Here

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