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Sunday 11 January 2015

Africa brain brain: Tackling the scourge.

According to Lily Ngarabz; brain drain affects Africa in so many ways where you find that the costs of recruiting foreign nationals (expatriates) is very expensive thus affecting it economically. However, we are in the era of globalization, and the world is becoming a small village, different expats are coming to Africa for various activities which contributes to the well being of the Africans in general. In Rwanda, there are people of different nationalities who are contributing to the economy of Rwanda through, education, entrepreneurship, gender empowerment and much more and this is happening to many African countries as well. E.g. Peace corps volunteers, etc."Let us not be dismayed that African intellectuals are not interested in coming back to work in Africa, after all they are also making a difference there which we should be proud of because this applies to some continents as well." "Let's focus and learn from the few we already have and hopefully our generation will be more oriented and future change makers of Africa and the world at large.

Still, according to Kenstev Ebube, the African leaders places little or no value to the sharp brains and talents that God bestowed on her people. African leaders prefer to work with the least of a foreigner than the best of theirs. Even then, Mathewos March opines that the solution is in the hands of the African governments in
creating systems conducive for the professionals to work in their country. Individual commitment of the professionals is also very important( as governments cant solve all problems). If these are to be effectively combined,then brain drain can be reduced drastically!

Oladimeji Shekoni also notes that the issue of African brain drain is very disheartening. This is because we Africans ourselves do not value the brains we have until most travel out and become giants in other developed countries. For instance, we have so many PHD holders lecturing in various universities around the world. The THE magazine features one of our own in an article "The Unsung Heros" barely does anyone know that the Father of Internet who made it possible for us to connect all over the world is a Nigerian named Philp Emegweli. His IQ is estimated to be more than that of Albert Einstien. These and many more have notable achievements and by calling them back home to give them a chance we could revolutionalize our continet. However, the selfishness of our leaders who have nothing to offer the citizens sees many of these achievers as a threat instead of a blessing. Another factor is our economy, if our economy can be strong enough such that one naira is almost equal to one dollar. Then, going to USA to work would only translate to additional stress instead of greener pasture. The issue of brain drain would be most effectively tackled by the government because one of the strongest instinct of mankind is survival. As long as our well being and survival is guranteed in this continent then, we can talk about reducing brain drain.

Still, Paternus Cleophas Niyegira opines that there is a mixed up miss-interpretation of what real brain drain may be; working outside your country, say it Europe or middle east, America is highly materially thoughtfully exploited. Have you ever asked or thought the opposite how about when the Europeans, Americans, or Chinese, when they come to work to Africa? Do we still call it brain drain? To be sincere do we call it Europe - Africa brain draining ? Why the brain drain is thought of being "working"? There is more needed to go back to the original understanding of the meaning. We need a proper soul searching as Africans. Brain draining is much connected to national definition of values and identification. We need as Africans to find ourselves as the nation and understand that we still have unexploited power, unspoken strength that can only be harnessed in national values. Let's discover ourselves as a nation and we will be able to exploit our values and intellectualism as Africans. 

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